Monday, November 12, 2018

November Programs are a Feast for Great Minds

This month will share a variety of wonderful ideas.

Wednesday, November 14 - Google: The Good, the Bad, and that Sneaking Suspicion That Something's Not Quite Right
Chris Neuhaus, Research Consultant and Instruction/Liaison Librarian at the UNI Rod Library, will take a look at the (not entirely unintentional) limitations of Google and a few suggestions for overcoming some of them.  We'll also visit the problems and promises of Google's cousins Google Books and Google Scholar.   Along the way, we'll touch on why so much of the world's information is not to be found with Google or any other search engine.

Wednesday, November 21 - 
Americorps: How it Makes the World a Better Place.  
Valerie Hockey, Program Developer at the Waterloo Center of Attention,  will share the amazing programs that Americorps supports in the Cedar Valley.  

Wednesday, November 28 - Breakfast at Figaro, Figaro.
It's a long time coming, but we will have breakfast at the amazing Figaro Figaro restaurant at 419 Main Street in Cedar Falls.  Hosted by the owner, Gary Kroeger, and his Manager and Matre de', we will learn about the story behind this incredible establishment and enjoy some of their unique culinary delights as well.

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